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Concert Tothem, An Theos si Scarlet Moon in Private Hell

21 martie 2014
Concert Tothem, An Theos si Scarlet Moon in Private Hell
Vineri, 21 martie 2014, Private Hell si Rusidava Management vă invită începând cu ora 20:00 la un concert al trupelor Tothem, An Theos și Scarlet Moon.

Prețul unui bilet este de 15 lei.
Adresa Private Hell Rock Club : Calea Griviței, Nr. 91, București.

Program :
- 20.00 - open doors
- 21.00 - 21.45 : Scarlet Moon
- 22.00 - 22.45 : An Theos
- 23.00 - 00.00 : Tothem
- 00.00 - after party

Tothem - Roma (Italia) (melodic metal)
Roslen: Vocals
Black Cyril: Electric Guitar and Backing Vocals
Marco: Piano, Keyboards and Synth
Leo: Bass Guitar
Andrea The Joker: Drums and Percussions

An Theos - Bucuresti (epic-folk metal)
Laura - voce
Florin - voce
Gabi - chitara
Teddy - chitara
Alex - bass
Teo - clape
Irina - vioara
Mishu - tobe

Scarlet Moon - Bucuresti (opera metal)
Ștefan Bereș - Rythm guitar
Andrei Cosmin - Drums
Costi Dominteanu - Keyboards & Vocals (Tenor)
Ilyin Adrian - Bass guitar & Blockflute
Odin - Lead vocals (Bass-baritone)
Amélie - Lead vocals (Lyric soprano)

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