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Concert Mono Jacks si Bridges in Control Club

25 aprilie 2013
Concert Mono Jacks si Bridges in Control Club
Joi, 25 aprilie 2013, incepand cu ora 22:00, sunteti invitati la un concert The Mono Jacks in Control Club. In deschidere vor canta cei de la Bridges.

Pretul unui bilet este de 20 lei.

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Seducatori si incendiari, The Mono Jacks revin in Control Club. Atmosfera va fi "incalzita" de Bridges, o trupa nou intrata pe scena rock-ului alternativ romanesc.
Sala Berlin/ club Control - Str. Constantin Mille, nr. 4

Opening act: Bridges (Indie Rock, Brit Pop, Brit Rock)

Tony Ghica (voce & chitara)
Alexandru Costan (chitara)
Alexandru Ene (bas)
Cosmin Dumbrava (tobe)

The Mono Jacks s-au format in 2008, la initiativa lui Doru Trascau, leaderul trupei AB4. Cu o abordarea muzicala incadrata in curentul alternative-indie rock consacrat care ne aminteste de sound-ul trupelor Interpol, Snow Patrol, Editors sau chiar White Lies, The Mono Jacks se detasau pe scena muzicala autohtona prin compozitii mature, intense, transpuse in showuri pline de energie si rafinament. Dupa mai bine de un an de munca in sala de repetitii si concerte in cluburile bucurestene, The Mono Jacks lansau deja albumul de debut "Now In Stereo". Single-urile "Maria", "Come Back Girl" sau "Push The Pedal" cuceresc Radio Guerrilla si transforma trupa intr-una dintre cele mai apreciate de pe scena rockului alternativ autohton.

Pana in prezent, trupa a lansat un LP ( "Now In Stereo") si doua EPuri - 'Fortunes' și 'Gândurile Remixed' si si-au facut aparitia pe scene mari in deschiderea concertelor unor nume celebre precum Suede sau The Cranberries si la festivaluri precum Exit (Serbia), Sziget (Ungaria), Eurosonic (Olanda), Ursus Evolution, B'est Fest etc.

The Mono Jacks inseamna: Doru Trascau (voce, chitara), Florin Vasile (chitara, backing vocals), Dorian Cazacu (tobe) si Alex Tomescu (bas).

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"Probabil, cel mai bun concert românesc din ultimii cinci ani." Mihai Dinu, Radio Guerrilla &
"Lecție de rock alternative!" Roxana Nicoară,
"Cel mai bun concert de până acum." Andrei Pascu,
"După un asemenea concert nu prea poți să te duci acasă pentru că picioarele încă îți dansează și inima îți bate de vreo 2-3 ori mai repede." Dan,
"Un concert la care, și dacă ai fi vrut, n-ai fi putut sta locului."
"Un cocteil de calitate, dinamism și multă, multă creativitate." Mădălina-Mara Bogdan,

"("¦) and within a couple of songs they have played something that sounds like it could have escaped from one of the Interpol's earlier albums, the better ones, with that combination of solid bass, rattling drums, sweeping guitars and energetic tension. ("¦) And if their own songs wear their influences boldly - which they undoubtedly do: not just the Chameleons via Interpol axis but early U2, or from more recent times the dramatic drum-driven minianthems of The Twilight Sad - then it doesn't matter. I've seen most of the British bands ploughing this particular furrow, and The Mono Jacks have better songs than pretty much all of them. This is a band who could more than hold their own on a British festival stage or support tour, and with the right backing could be the first Romanian band to break out internationally". Cath Aubergine -

"The Mono Jacks is definitely a band I intend to keep an eye on. If this foursome continues to develop their obvious talents, they have a future as the massive radio band they aspire to be." FR. Jones -

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