
Pozitia Cavalleria Events fata de situatia din Ucraina - Arta impotriva Razboiului

March 5th, 2014
Pozitia Cavalleria Events fata de situatia din Ucraina - Arta impotriva Razboiului
Alarming news about the escalating tensions in Ukraine and the flagrant violation of the rights of citizens in the area have filled us with sadness. Recent events prove once again that politics restricts the liberty of speech and are assaulting art!

In the virtue of collaborative relationships that our agency has with numerous bands from Ukraine and Russia, some of which are represented by us, we want to express our deep concern regarding the fate of our artist friends which are caught in the midst of an unjust war because of political maneuvering.

We want to show our solidarity with these musicians and express our conviction that, despite this difficult context, the collaborative relationships and friendship will become stronger. We strongly believe that together, Romanians, Ukrainians and Russians will show the world that through art, through music, we can maintain ourselves high above the petty interests of politics.

Konstantin, Alexandr, Tatiana, Eugene, Andrew and everyone else, we assure you that, if needed, we will give you our full support!

Olivia Ignatescu


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